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06 Şub Sal
|Bebek sahili - Sudatur gemisi
Unforgettable and memorable moments on the beautiful waters of the most historic city in the world with the presence of Iranian pop star "FARSHID AMIN".

Zaman ve Konum
06 Şub 2024 20:00 – 23:50
Bebek sahili - Sudatur gemisi, Bebek, Cevdet Paşa Cd., 34342 Beşiktaş/İstanbul
Etkinlik Hakkında
Unforgettable and memorable moments on the beautiful waters of the most historic city in the world with the presence of Iranian pop star "FARSHID AMIN".
FARSHID AMIN's concert on the most luxurious and largest ship in Istanbul will be held every Sunday - Tuesday - Thursday from January 04,2024 to February 29, 2024 corresponding to Dey 14 to Esfand 10, 1402.
The ship departs from Istanbul BEBEK Pier at 20:00 and arrives at KABATASH Pier at 24:00 after a 4-hour tour.
During this time, various and attractive programs will be performed, including DJ performance, break dance, modern dance, music and local dance.
The music will be performed by Ms. ANITA and Ms. MERSA and Ms. RAYA and we will enjoy the performance of FARSHID AMIN's concert.
During the program, unlimited service including drinks, dinner, fruit, nuts, etc. will be served.
Normal ve Ekonomi koltuklar zemin katta yer almaktadır.
$45,00 - $65,00 arasıSatış bitti- $65,00+$1,63 bilet hizmet bedeli
- $45,00+$1,13 bilet hizmet bedeli
Normal ve Ekonomi koltuklar zemin katta yer almaktadır.
$45,00 - $75,00 arasıSatış bitti- $75,00+$1,88 bilet hizmet bedeli
- $45,00+$1,13 bilet hizmet bedeli
VIP koltuklar geminin üçüncü katında yer almaktadır.
$70,00 - $110,00 arasıSatış bitti- $110,00+$2,75 bilet hizmet bedeli
- $70,00+$1,75 bilet hizmet bedeli
VVIP koltukları geminin ikinci katında yer almaktadır.
$70,00 - $130,00 arasıSatış bitti- $130,00+$3,25 bilet hizmet bedeli
- $70,00+$1,75 bilet hizmet bedeli